Coffee Concepts

Monday, November 6 • 1:00pm – 1:50pm

Unlock the secrets to becoming a true coffee connoisseur and enhancing the expertise you convey to clients. Join this session to dive into coffee’s fascinating history; gain a profound understanding of the coffee bean’s journey from cultivation to harvesting, equipping you with the knowledge to engage clients with insightful origin stories; learn the coffee roasting process and its pivotal role in shaping the product; discover the science behind the roasting process; and understand how coffee is kept fresh through its packaging. Your education doesn’t stop at the technical aspects. Master the art of sensory evaluation, enabling you to guide clients through the intricate dimensions of body, taste, and aroma. Equip yourself with the tools to understand coffee intricately and to engage clients effectively. Elevate your sales techniques, foster client loyalty, and ensure your position as the go-to coffee authority in the industry.

  • Discover the origins of coffee.
  • Learn how coffee beans are grown, harvested, and roasted.
  • Demystify the coffee brewing process and its effects on the beverage.
  • Understand how coffee is packaged and its effect on freshness.
  • Properly convey and experience the body, taste, and aroma of coffee with your clientele.